// Dari Mata Kecilku..

(c) Dari Mata Kecilku Photography 2009. All Rights Reserved.

Us =)

• Abil Suriati – Tiara

• [F] - Moggie

• Acai - Zizik & Sisik

• Mumu - Hj Bagol

Previous posts


rock metal o rock mental??? huhuh

spotted x) baru ia mengantam~


snapped by DariMataKecilKu @ 12:30 PM, No comment,

sunday-Lieu Dx Festival: episod 4~

epic in action champion x ahh... huhu


snapped by DariMataKecilKu @ 1:44 AM, No comment,

Still Breathing...still ALIVE!!!!!!!

featuring TIARA.


snapped by DariMataKecilKu @ 11:37 PM, No comment,

sunday-Lieu Dx Festival:episod 3~


snapped by DariMataKecilKu @ 10:08 PM, No comment,

sunday-Lieu Dx Festival:episod 2~


snapped by DariMataKecilKu @ 9:54 PM, No comment,

sunday-Lieu Dx Festival: the senapang patah crew~

i woke up at 7 ish.. then went to tg.maya to meet senapang patah crew!! huhuhu i had a wonderful time with u guys...
His - http;//hisfoto.blogspot.com



[epic] - http://skodeng-skodeng.blogspot.com

Rose - http://rosetheeight.blogspot.com

ikhwan - www.ikhwanomarali.com


snapped by DariMataKecilKu @ 11:07 PM, No comment,

an invitation to the Lieu Dx Festival~

epic,(bagal-ians, TGM branch) told me there will be a festival going on at their village on 22nd June 2008 (sunday), and the bagal-lians (Telisai branch) are invited too..heheh i hope it will be a blast outing for the "bagalians" and "the senapang patah crew" huhuh.. so DMKK-ians, and anyone who are interested , f u guys wana join us there, u are welcome.. xD

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Festival Lieu DX

photo by his

Tarikh: 22hb Jun 2008 (AHAD)
Tempat: Lieu Dx Kampong Tanjong Maya, Tutong
Jam: Pagi - Petang

Lieu DX is a modern name for "lieu di ek" is in Tutong Language "bahasa Puak Tutong" which means "Sungai Damit" . Ia terletak di Kampong Tanjong Maya, Tutong. Festival tahunan ini di adakan setahun sekali dikelolakan oleh Persatuan Tanjong Maya(PERTAMA) dengan kerjasama Majlis Perundingan Kampong Tanjong Maya, Tutong. Acara ini biasanya di adakan di Pertengahan tahun bersempena dengan Cuti Penggal Persekolahan. Terdapat pelbagai aktiviti yang akan di adakan bagi memeriahkan lagi acara ini.

Sesuai dengan nama acara ini iaitu "Festival Lieu DX" berarti, Sukan air juga akan di adakan. Orang ramai di jemput hadir untuk sama-sama memeriahkan suasana dan sudah pasti akan menimba pengalaman baru.

- Lumba Perahu
- Jet Ski
- Menyusur Sungai "boat cruising"
- Sukan Air
- Perlawanan Memancing
- Netball
- Volley Ball
- Tarik Kalat
- Membuat Kuih Tempatan

banyak lagi acara-acara menarik...

Jangan Ketinggalan Untuk Menghadirkan Diri ke Festival Ini...jumpa anda di saanaaa~~~

Untuk Tahun Ini, Festival Ini akan diserikan lagi dengan "Suara Gemersik Peralatan Musik Tradisional Gulintangan" yg akan di bawakan oleh "bala tentera BAGAL" huhu~ InsyALLAH.

http:// skodeng-skodeng.blogspot.com

sorry ye pic ku grab abithss... huhuhuhu ehh i mean ku photocopy hahahah


snapped by DariMataKecilKu @ 9:41 AM, No comment,

sunday outing; the partner in crime~

again acai with his sisik 40D huhuhuh


snapped by DariMataKecilKu @ 10:01 PM, No comment,

sunday outing; feat. the danau sunrise~

i woke up early..around 5.30am and acai fetch me up..and we went to ujung tanjong danau..this is what i got "the amazing sceneries that Allah made for us"


snapped by DariMataKecilKu @ 11:39 PM, No comment,

just around my home: the tall grass


snapped by DariMataKecilKu @ 11:29 PM, No comment,

10-06-2008 (tutong tragic accident that killed 4 people.. )


snapped by DariMataKecilKu @ 4:46 PM, No comment,

BBQ bash 07-06-2008 ; bro his and his army..

sorry for the late post broo.. huhuh


snapped by DariMataKecilKu @ 4:22 PM, No comment,

1st june disaster for smokers in Brunei..

heloo dear bloggers yg smoking.. ni nah what i saw recently at every goverment building...
hehehe nda bleh smoking in public places huhuh f kana patan kana fined $5k kah kata org... huhu so beware to smokers...hhehe toleh2 f kan smoking atu... all the best to smokers..


snapped by DariMataKecilKu @ 10:13 PM, No comment,

congrats to mr joseph wong..(c-han)


snapped by DariMataKecilKu @ 10:07 PM, No comment,

BBQ bash 07-06-2008; randoms~


snapped by DariMataKecilKu @ 9:51 PM, No comment,

BBQ bash 07-06-2008 part 2

the boyss....

the girlss.....

the foods

the drinks...

more pictures click-www.moggiesmagic.blogspot.com


snapped by DariMataKecilKu @ 5:05 PM, No comment,

BBQ bash 07-06-2008

telamba sunsetsss

a pose from the cute boy


snapped by DariMataKecilKu @ 4:58 PM, No comment,

moggie's work

pemalu juaa....



snapped by DariMataKecilKu @ 10:42 PM, No comment,

how long its been;

sitting quietly, doing nothing, spring comes,
and the grass grows by itself.

im still awake. =D


snapped by DariMataKecilKu @ 2:25 PM, No comment,


email add ; Dahanpohon@gmail.com

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